Say It's Forever Page 6
“Wait at the curb,” Eden called, and the children skidded to a stop. We flanked them as we crossed, and we walked up the sidewalk to the house that was basically the same as the one we were renting, though it’d obviously received a little more care and updates through the years.
I nearly stumbled when a man came sauntering out the front door. Tall with a shock of black hair, tattoos covering every inch of exposed flesh.
He was pure intimidation.
Extremely so, in a way that set me on edge.
Bad was written all over him in bold streaks and hard lines.
But this sweet, sweet woman all but floated over to him and let him wrap his arms around her.
So opposite it was like they slipped into the other to form a whole.
They whispered below their breaths, their words only meant for the other.
Something familiar pushed at my consciousness when he looked at me with the darkest eyes from over her shoulder.
The way they pierced and flayed.
My pulse thudded.
Eden spun around with her hand wrapped in his. “Salem, I’d like you to meet my boyfriend, Trent. Gage’s dad.” Her voice deepened with devotion. “Trent, this is the new neighbor I was telling you about, Salem, Darius’ sister.”
The man looked me up and down, cautious, but still, he stretched out his hand to shake mine. “Nice to meet you, Salem. I didn’t even realize Darius had a sister. He works for my brother at his shop.”
I froze as I realized the familiarity.
The resemblance.
The way those sharp eyes held the power to slice me in two.
Jud Lawson was his brother.
The man in the rain. The man who sparked something inside me that I hardly recognized in myself anymore.
A want that had sizzled across my flesh. A need I’d all but forgotten.
A fire in my guts.
But it was the fire that burned.
The flames that ruined.
And I knew I needed to stay far, far away from the blaze.
“Do we have an issue?” I stood behind Darius where he worked to install the gas tank to a 70s chopper that I’d finished painting last week. Thing was pure beauty, if I didn’t say so myself.
Turquoise and black.
Like someone’s eyes that I was having a damned hard time getting off my mind.
Same eyes responsible for the tension that had bound the shop for the entire day. Animosity fierce in the stone set of Darius’ spine.
Dude hadn’t even looked at me when he’d returned, but that didn’t mean I didn’t feel the malice radiating from him for the last four hours.
He barely cranked a glance at me from over his shoulder. But I saw it there. This fierce protectiveness that kinda pissed me off. He went back to working a screw while he mumbled under his breath, “Not if you stay away from my sister, we don’t.”
A low, hard chuckle rumbled out. “You have a problem with me stopping to help a woman stranded in the rain?”
“Have no problem except for the one where Salem came waltzing out of your apartment this morning.” He grunted that. The tattoos on his forearms writhed over his muscles that flexed with the words.
“She seems like a big girl to me.”
A fierce, hypnotic, gorgeous girl who’d kept me tossing through the night.
Didn’t think I’d point that out.
Before I could make sense of it, Darius flew to his feet, wheeling around with a threat in his stance and venom in his voice. “Stay the fuck away from my sister. She doesn’t need any more shit in her life than she’s already been dealt.”
My chest tightened with the confirmation, the sense I’d gotten that the girl might’ve only had a purse, but she’d been carting around a shitton of baggage.
At the same time, a disbelieving smirk kicked at the edge of my mouth. “I don’t think I appreciate the implication.”
His dark eyes flashed, and he leaned in closer, his voice grit, “You think I don’t know you? Kind of man you are?”
Unease gusted, blistered and blew through the scorched wasteland of who I’d been. Where my soul had gone dry.
My hands fisted. “I’m not sure who you think you are, Darius…” I bit out his name through clenched teeth. “But I’d suggest you watch what you say. Took a chance on you. Don’t make me regret it.”
I wasn’t one to fly off the handle. Had learned to play it cool. To keep the old demon that thrashed inside chained.
But this?
I was half inclined to toss him from my shop. The other part knew we both were overreacting. He was only doing what he thought was right.
Standing up for his sister before she got herself hurt.
I mean, fuck, could I blame him?
I took a step back, trying to put some space between us. Wasn’t like a thing had gone down between his sister and me, anyway, so every bit of this was misplaced.
Darius winced, finally catching up to the fact that he was out of line. He scrubbed a palm over his face, and he dropped his gaze to the ground. “I’m sorry, Sir.” He might have been apologizing, but his voice was hard.
“She’s been hurt, and I’m not sure I could stand aside and watch it happen again,” he admitted low.
“Not necessary, man. Just…chill. All’s good. I got her to safety to ride out the storm. She slept in my guest room. It started and ended at that.”
Left out the part where I’d felt chained.
Truth be told, if the girl had wanted one of those wild nights that caught you unaware? Nothing but pleasure without any of the aftermath? I’d have gladly peeled her out of those drenched clothes.
But that possibility had sailed the second I’d realized she was related to Darius. I sure as shit didn’t need that kind of complication. Think more than that, though, was the fact there was something about her that felt like more.
Pain lanced. A dull moan from that vacant space.
A knife in my chest where my heart had gone missing.
And in the middle of that void, there was no space for more. I forced a smile. “Are we good, man?”
Nodding, Darius lifted his gaze. “Yeah. Sorry. That was uncalled for. Get a little crazy when it comes to my family. Want you to know I appreciate this job. Need it, and I know you hired me when I wasn’t exactly qualified.”
I let a huff of a laugh leave my nose, and I reached out and squeezed his shoulder. “Don’t sweat it. Something is wrong with us if we don’t go a little crazy when it comes to protecting our family.”
Truth that family should mean everything.
“Just watch how you do it next time, yeah?” The warning dropped from my mouth as I backed away. I might get it, but I wasn’t about to take any shit, either.
I started to walk before I punted out the words, hard and direct, “And I’ve got her car covered. Gonna need her number. Text it to me before you leave.”
For a beat, he hesitated, clearly wanting to argue, but he finally dipped his head in surrender and turned around to get back to work, grumbling, “Whatever you say, boss.”
I spun around, only to catch Brock grinning like a smug prick from where he stood next to the engine he was rebuilding, asshole rocking his hips and wagging his brows.
Boob shots, he mouthed with an overexaggerated nod and a wink.
I roughed a hand over my face.
Fuck my life.
Ignoring him, I strode back to the bones of the bike I was slowly rebuilding. I cranked the music back up, pulled on my welding mask, and got lost in the work. Got lost in the feel of the metal beneath my hands.
The peace in it.
Guessed it reminded me I still had something to offer.
That the darkness could create beauty.
That the condemned could whisper grace.
That I had something good to show for my life.
A purpose.
Hours must have passed, I didn’t know, I was so lost in thought, sound banging through my ears and vibrating through my body, that I nearly jumped out of my skin when a hand landed on my shoulder. I ripped off my mask as I whipped around, ready to floor a motherfucker.
Old habits died hard.
I blew out the strained breath when I saw it was my youngest brother, Logan.
Asshole cracked up, stumbling backward and shouting over the music, “Bro, you jumped like fifteen feet in the air. If the whole restoration thing doesn’t pan out, think you have promise. Olympic hopeful.”
He lifted his hands out like he was catching a dream.
I tossed my mask to the table and wiped the sweat from my brow with my sleeve. “Yeah, and you’re lucky you’re not fifteen under. Don’t sneak up on a man like that unless you wanna get cut.”
Logan laughed like it wasn’t our reality.
I rolled my eyes as my attention drifted to our older brother, Trent, who was smirking behind him.
And there was Trent’s son, Gage, jumping at his father’s side, all kinds of hope and light and every-fucking-thing that was right in this world.
Took a beat just to take in this messed up, beautiful family.
Our scars went deep.
Were ugly and brutal.
But here we were, forever fighting for the other.
“You’re gonna give him a one, two, three, kapow, right, Uncle Jud, right?!” Gage tossed his little fist forward and gave a good kick, giggling the whole time. My sweet nephew who nearly slayed me every time I looked at his adorable face. Kid too much. Had so much love for him, it hurt.
“That’s right, Gage in the Cage,” I told him, and the kid came barreling my way the second I said it.
Affection pushed hard at my ribs. Didn’t matter how many times I met him this way, the loss still screamed.
Begging to be filled.
I caught him just as he was throwing himself at me, and I tossed him onto my back the way I always did. I spun him around, pretending like we were in the ring.
“What? You think you’re gonna pile drive me! I won’t even let you, Uncle.” My favorite little wrestler scrambled around, locking his tiny arms around my neck like he was going to choke me out. “You might be big as a monster, Uncle, but I’m as wily as a coyote. You won’t even know what hit you.”
I was holding my laughter, and Trent rested back against the worktable, his arms crossed over his chest and his booted feet crossed at the ankles.
A chuckle rode from his mouth. “Pains me to admit it, but for once, Logan is right. We’ve been standing back here waiting on you for the last ten minutes. You didn’t even notice we were here. Now that is the shit that’s not safe.”
I glanced at the huge clock mounted on the wall while Gage kept trying to take me down.
“Sorry, lost track of time.” Honestly, I’d forgotten we’d planned a family meeting this afternoon. Had to blame it on my thoughts getting tied up on things they shouldn’t.
“No shit.” Trent grinned.
Gage slowed his attack, staring over at his father.
“Sheesh, Dad, doncha know you’re gonna get in trouble saying those kinda words? And trouble is really bad. Have you learned nothin’ yet? We have to get all the A’s and you keep gettin’ the F’s.” Could feel Gage shaking his head in stark disappointment.
Laughing, I flipped Gage off my back, kid squealing like mad as I set him onto his feet.
I straightened to Logan tossing me one of his smirks. “Think it’s your uncle Jud here who is getting the F’s, oh young Gage.”
Asshole widened his eyes at me like he was vexed.
“Here I was, just rolling in to remind him of our meeting, and he goes threatening me. Why so violent?” Logan blinked, his head barely shaking.
Dude was a nut.
Constantly goofing and throwing barbs.
Arrogant as fuck.
Still, he was good, through and through. It was the only reason I let him get away with that shit.
His hair was as black as the night, same as mine and Trent’s, but where Trent and I had eyes that were so dark they were basically coal, his were these sparkling emeralds that forever glinted with a tease.
My heart tweaked at the sight.
He favored our mom so much that sometimes it stung to look at him.
Dude stuck out in both the club and the shop considering the asshole might as well have been an Armani model, wearing his tailored suits and driving his flashy car.
A scoff rolled up my throat. “If I wanted to hurt you, you’d be hurt.”
“Can you believe this guy?” Logan hooked a thumb at me while talking to Gage. “Grizzly, I tell you.”
Gage cracked up. “Like a bear? He sure has enough hair.”
Sound that left me was close to a growl.
“Did you hear that, Gage? Proof. Right there.” Logan pointed at me.
I smacked his finger out of my face. “You point that finger at me again, and you’re going to lose it.” Warned it like he was a little kid, but hell, since he acted like one half the time, that’s what he got. Funny, considering he ran stocks and was fuckin’ flush. Smarts for days yet as heedless as they came.
Dude was a walking, talking mindfuck.
“Jud, man, come on. Lighten up. I’m just playing with you. And here I thought this one over here was the funsucker.” He tossed a mocking jab to Trent’s upper arm. “All thanks to pretty little Eden. Remind me I owe her.”
“Oh, oh, now that he’s gettin’ some, he doesn’t have to be such a d-i-c-k anymore, right, Uncle Logan, right?”
Little Gage was grinning way too big, and I was shaking my head. We were going to have to watch it. Kid was getting way too clever, and I was pretty sure one day he was going to surprise us by knowing exactly what we were talking about.
Leave it to Logan to egg him on.
“That’s right, Gage. We finally got a little mercy from the beast. Thank the Lord.” All kinds of dramatic, he pressed his hands together in a prayer and lifted his face toward the sky.
A chuckle got free of my throat just as Trent was throwing a punch back at him, only a little harder than the one Logan had landed on him.
Logan jumped back, holding onto his arm. “Ow, a-hole, that hurt.”
We might give Logan shit for being smaller than the two of us, but I was pretty sure if push came to shove, dude could hold his own. He was as easygoing as they came, but there was something there, running below the surface.
Lawson blood. And that blood ran thick and dark.
Pussy, Trent mouthed over Gage’s head.
“Wow, Trent, wow.” Logan touched his chest, mocking injury. “Two of you are dangerous to a man’s ego.”
“Believe me, a little depletion to your ego would not be a bad thing,” Trent grumbled.
I grabbed a hand towel and ran it over my face and hair to soak up the sweat.
“Are we ready to do this thing?” Logan asked, smacking his hands together. His entire demeanor shifted when he got down to business.
“We got work to do!” Gage hollered, grinning at his dad as he ran to his side and took his hand again.
I followed them out of the stall where I’d been working and into the main shop.
Doubted anyone but me noticed the skeptical glance Darius shot as we passed.
We filed into my office made of glass walls that was tucked at the far-right corner.
I clicked the door shut.
Logan spun around, lifting his arms out to the sides. Cockiness streamed from him in waves.
“Now, now, I know we all know how brilliant your baby brother is but prepare for me to take it to the next level.”
He dug into the bag he was carrying and pulled out his laptop. Setting it on my desk, he faced it out, lifted the lid, and punched in a few things to populate the charts he updated us with quarterly.
He waved a dramatic hand at the screen as he sank
into one of the chairs in front of the desk.
All kinds of smug.
But in this case?
It was warranted.
“Read ’em and weep, boys.”
“I’m not weepin’,” Trent mumbled in shock when he looked at our skyrocketing numbers.
Logan laughed. “Happy tears, brother, they’re good for the soul. Let’s see them.”
“Seriously, Logan, you some kinda wizard? Because this shit can’t be legal.” Disbelief filled my voice.
The smile dropped from Logan’s face, his expression morphing in sincerity. “You know I’d never gamble with your money like that. You’re my brothers. You wanted it aggressive, I did it aggressive, and it paid off big. Simple as that.”
Trent roughed a tattooed hand over his mouth. “Don’t even know what to say.”
A smirk took to Logan’s face. “Hmmm…let’s see…pretty sure it goes something like, Forgive me, oh, amazing one, I underestimated you. Big time. You’re definitely the smartest and best looking of us Lawson bros. Where would I be without you? And just because you’re so awesome and handsome and basically the coolest guy I know, I solemnly swear to never punch you again. Not even when you’re checking out my smokin’ hot woman.”
His smirk widened as he pressed his hand over his heart in a mock oath. “A little somethin’ like that will do.”
That was two seconds before he got punched again.
“You even look at Eden, and I gouge your eyes out,” Trent growled.
Gage giggled wildly. “You better watch it, Uncle. Everyone’s comin’ for you, and even I won’t be able to save you.”
“Never, Gage. These ogres love me.”
That time, the tease drained from Logan’s tone as he looked between us.
“Of course, we do. Doesn’t give you the clear to check out Eden, though.” Trent almost smiled when he said it.
Miracles did come true.
Was pretty sure that miracle came in the form of a sweet little blonde who’d changed Trent’s world.
Logan lifted both his hands in surrender. “Fine, fine. You know I’m just messing with you. Happy for you, brother. Honestly. Love that you found someone as awesome and hot as Eden.”
The ribbing was back on the last as he tapped his fist on Trent’s knee.